Selling Galettes is Fun To Do

On February 9, 2010, in Pastry, by Trevor

Luc’s desire to obtain as many Legos as possible is nigh unquenchable. He is always looking through catalogs, browsing the Lego website and asking to go to the Lego store at the mall.

Being the 3 1/2 out of 5 star dad that I am I saw an opportunity to teach my boy how to work and save for the things he wants to buy. The question was, what could Luc do to make money?

So what does Luc do really well? You’re probably thinking, “He can sew!” Alas, he cannot, which meant that making and selling knickerbockers to the pant-less misfits that roam our neighborhood was out of the question.

What Luc can do is bake. Luc has memorized the Cook’s Illustrated podcast on Apple Galette so a bake sale seemed like the perfect way to raise some money.

Apple Galette

Here are some pictures of Luc dragging his little red wagon around the neighborhood selling pieces of the Apple Galette he made. He had some success early on and was excited. He suffered through a period of no sales over by the high school and almost gave up. He finally sold his remaining stock a hundred yards from our house and ended on a high note. He received many compliments.

The Long and Winding Road

Luc The Galette Vendor

When all was said and done Luc made $9, $1 per piece. Here is a totally unrelated picture of him being thrown into a pool.

Luc flying into the pool.


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